
Below is the following CSCD documentation: Definition of the Central Scotland Circle Dance group, our Legal Statement and the CSCD Constitution. If you have any queries about this documentation, please contact our Secretary.

Definition of CSCD


CSCD is not a profit making organisation. Moreover, involvement in planning, organising, and leading dances shall be on a voluntary basis.

Circle Dancers in CSCD documentation

Also, any profit from an event to be credited to CSCD in full, with the objective of creating a reserve.

Such moneys are only to be used to underwrite events, and are thus fully returnable, or to subsidise individual dancers of limited means.


The organisation of events must involve all CSCD Committee members directly at the planning stage, in order to make collective decisions on event composition and budgeting.

An event shall not go ahead under the auspices of CSCD if a loss outwith the reserves is a significant risk.  Furthermore, cognisance shall always be taken of the ability of CSCD to meet its creditors.  This is especially to be enforced with the larger events, where a loss would automatically fall due on the collective pockets of individual CSCD members.

Events will run with a target of a modest surplus of 10-15%.  This is to be wholly credited to CSCD reserves.  In addition, agreed and receipted expenses are to be met from the reserves.

Furthermore, running events for private profit must be separate from CSCD.

CSCD meetings to begin and end with a circle dance, so that the spirit of the dance pervades the meeting, in being co-operative, working towards consensus and showing consideration for all people and all opinions in the circle.

Legal Statement


The content of this website is subject to Copyright 2023 Central Scotland Circle Dance (CSCD). All rights reserved Worldwide.

Information on this website may be cited or referred to, however, information and images may not be reproduced or distributed in whole or in part without written permission from Central Scotland Circle Dance (CSCD). To obtain permission, please contact Central Scotland Circle Dance (CSCD).

Accuracy and completeness of information

Whilst we make every effort to provide and maintain accurate, complete, usable, and timely information on our website, however, we do not guarantee that the information is correct or complete. In addition, any conclusions drawn from, or actions undertaken on the basis of, this information are the sole responsibility of the user.

Links to other websites

The CSCD committee provide links to other websites for information only. However, CSCD do not necessarily endorse the links’ suitability, content, products, or services.

CSCD Constitution

Mission Statement

Central Scotland Circle Dance (CSCD) is formed in order to promote and further circle dancing in Central Scotland. In addition, CSCD is a non profit making organisation dedicated to supporting and managing the planning, setting up and running of circle dancing events. CSCD meetings begin and end with a circle dance so that the spirit of the dance pervades the meeting: being co-operative, working towards consensus and showing consideration for all people and all opinions in the circle.

1. Aims and Objectives

1.1 The name of the organisation is Central Scotland Circle Dance (Association) (CSCD).

1.2  Aims

To promote international understanding through learning and dancing together the dances of many countries. Also, to promote circle dancing through excellence of teaching.  To provide affordable circle dance events.

1.3  Objectives

To arrange and coordinate an annual programme of dance events in a variety of locations, mainly in central Scotland, in order to bring together and introduce a wide range of people to Circle Dance. In order to elect a committee annually to organise the forthcoming year’s programme of meetings, manage funds and correspond with members.

2. Membership

2.1 Membership shall be open to anyone attending circle dance classes or events in the area and who has an interest in furthering the aims and objectives of the Association.

3. Annual General Meeting 

3.1  CSCD hold an Annual General Meeting to elect a working committee and present the accounts.

4. Office Bearers

4.1  A working committee administers the Association, comprising Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer and such other committee members as necessary, the committee elects officers annually, with officers serving up to 4 years.  Additional committee members may be co-opted as needs arise during the year.

5. Quorum

5.1.  A minimum of five will constitute a quorum for annual general meetings.                    

5.2.  A minimum of four will constitute a quorum for committee meetings.

6. Finance

6.1.  The Association shall have authority to raise funds in the name of the organisation. The Association shall apply those funds only to further the objectives of the organisation.                                           

6.2.  The Association shall have authority to open a bank account and shall authorise all the office bearers as signatories to operate the account on its behalf.  At least two signatories will authorise all transactions.  

6.3.  At least a quorum of committee members will participate in the organisation of all events at the planning stage. This will ensure collective decisions are made on event composition, budgeting and expenses necessary to the setting up and running of the event.                                                                   

6.4.  As an unincorporated association CSCD committee must assess possible losses and discuss how these will be managed.  Cognisance shall be taken of the ability of CSCD to meet its creditors.  Furthermore, CSCD is unable to be an employer. 

6.5.  Any surplus monies shall be wholly credited to CSCD reserves.  These reserves are for underwriting or subsidising CSCD events and subsidising attendance at events for dancers with limited means. In addition, CSCD may subsidise any circle dance event as the committee members see fit.                                                                              

6.6.  Running events for private profit by any committee member must be separate from CSCD.                                            

6.7. Presentation of a Statement of Accounts will occur at each Management Committee meeting.  The accounts will be independently scrutinised before presentation to the Annual General Meeting for approval.         

 6.8.  In the event of the Association being disbanded any monies in hand shall be disposed of on the instructions of all the members of the Committee.