October 2015
Teachers’ Day, Sauchie by Moragh Dunning
New venue, new teachers, new dances, it all seemed a bit daunting for a ‘new beginner’! However it was well worth taking the plunge or should I say taking to the floor.
Although some other dancers had come from my class there were others from all over the country. Everyone was so welcoming and after a coffee and chat we were all ready for the lead-in dance.
A beautiful centrepiece to enjoy, music that I recognised and dances already known followed by some new ones, it was just so much fun to be part of this happy day.
It was great to be introduced to new teachers and learn new dances and no-one was worried if you weren’t foot-perfect. A break and wonderful lunch were most welcome. I was torn between eating more and starting dancing again.
By 4 o’clock both feet and brain were certainly slowing down but my enthusiasm was still as great. I am already looking forward to the next dance share day!
September 2015
Anne-Lise Kryger, Cupar
August 2015
Kinross Circle dance group, article by Lynne Barlow
The newest circle dance class within Central Scotland is held in Kinross, and this came about following a very successful taster event which was held in the Community Campus at Kinross in April of this year.
Over 50 people came along and enjoyed a wonderful selection of dances led by Rose. 34 folk expressed an interest in joining a circle dance class if one could be found in their local area, and the rest is History as they say.
A block of seven sessions was held before the summer break and what fun we had, all learning together with Rose and Lynne as co-teachers.
We are now looking ahead to the new term with the opportunity to learn new dances; revisit dances from before the holidays, and request our favourites to be included in the programme. All are welcome, and we very much look forward to dancing together again.
June 2015
Mandy de Winter, St Andrews
May 2015
Article by Keryn Evely
On Sunday 24th May a special session ‘Sing AND Dance’ was held at Three Kings’ Hall, Ochil Tower School, Auchterarder. The idea was that people who like to sing might come and try some circle dancing and vice versa.
Twenty four singers and circle dancers from as far afield as St Andrews, Drymen and Kilmarnock came together for an hour of harmony singing led by Irene Kelso (Fintry).
After a break for refreshments I led the group for an hour of circle dancing. There was even one dance where we sang a ’round’ (Irene had taught us this tune already) and danced in concentric circles.
£100 was raised for the British Red Cross Nepal Appeal. Irene and I hope to try this collaboration again!
April 2015
Hazel Young, Sauchie
March 2015
Rose’s 70th birthday party, Cupar, by Rose Cross
On Saturday 28th March we celebrated my 70th birthday with a dance day in Cupar – well, what better way is there to celebrate than to dance? I was amazed and delighted to welcome 42 dancers who joined me in my birthday circle.
We danced all my favourite dances and my CSCD teaching friends, Maria, Keryn, and Lynne, taught some of my favourite requests, thank you all.
Lilly came all the way from Uffington, in Oxford and taught her beautiful new dance, Lilac Flower, and another of her stunning dances, Hine e Hine.
She also taught Brenda Kelly’s amazing In One Glorious Harmony which I haven’t danced since leaving Oxford in 2011.
Thank you Lilly.
My lovely daughter Jenny made me an amazing ‘rose’ birthday cake. Thank you Jenny. My wonderful team of dancing ladies from Cupar, made me a fantastic ‘rose’ centrepiece. Thank you Laura, Nadia, Janet and Fiona.
My rock and support, Ray – long-suffering other half – was there for me, being his usual supportive self. Thank you Ray.
Thanks to the generosity of all our dancers we raised a fantastic £260 for Friends of Conakry Refuge School. Thank you everyone. A wonderful day to keep in my ‘special memories’ box.